Okay, blah. I know it's been like 5 years since I last posted. Whatever. I didn't know that it would be as hard to start blogging again as it would be to get back on a horse that's bucked you off but strangely it is. And now time for the excuses. Things got busy, blah blah blah, and as more time went on the more guilty I felt for not posting, and then more time went by and there's another helping of guilt thank you very much. And oddly enough with the guilt that I felt about not blogging (I know, it's just a blog, I'm not running the nation or anything, but forgive my dramatic nature for a moment) I felt even more guilt if I read other people's blogs because they were a reminder of what I wasn't doing so I stopped reading too. Man, I've missed you guys. So I guess that brings me to one of the reasons I've climbed back in the saddle again. I miss reading everyone's blogs and so I'm writing a rather boring catch up post so I can start reading again without the guilt gnawing at me.
Let's see where to begin? Well, August came and CJ and Lexi started preschool. We also enrolled them in a dance class once a week which has been great. They really enjoy it and do pretty darn well for uncoordinated 3 year olds.
Then we had September and not much exciting happened there. That or I can't remember anything, which is probably more likely. Oh but our ward's womens volleyball team won the stake tournament!! Yeah, I know it's just stake volleyball but man were we pumped when we beat last years winners. We were the underdogs and incidently the stake's redheaded stepchild or at least we are treated that way so it was very satisfying to win those yummy cookies and bragging rights.
And now we are in October. I love the fall and this month will be busy. The kids are starting soccer tomorrow which should be fun to watch. At least I think it will be funny to watch 12 three year olds running around chasing a ball or more likely chasing each other. Hopefully it will use up some of CJ and Lexi's unboundless energy. Wishful thinking right? Carlos and I will have our anniversary on the 23rd and then Elli will turn 1 on the 28th. Holy crap, I just missed a whole year :( I know every mom says it but I can't believe my baby is almost one. Sigh.
Oh and how could I forget Halloween?! I'm going to try really hard to get Carlos to dress up this year but I fear my efforts will be futile. He can be pretty stubborn and Halloween isn't really his thing. Oh but can you guys imagine the pictures!?! Any suggestions for us as far as costumes?
And on a sad note, my sister Whitney and her husband Bryce left yesterday to move to Idaho. I know it's not the saddest news but she was one of my best friends and I'll miss her dearly. I hope she freezes her nose hairs off up there!
Anyway, so I guess that first dreaded post back is over with and I can resume posting with some consistency. Maybe I should start taking fiber to help with my regularity.