~Elli had her first birthday, there was cake, family, food, and fun
(Yeah, she's pretty cute. And she knows it. Oh man does she know it.)
~Thanksgiving, again more food, really really yummy food
(Look it's John Smith and Pocohontas!!)
~Zoo Lights, fun at the zoo at night, with lights, duh, that's why it's called Zoo Lights
(If you look really hard in the background you can see Carlos' dad and Becky buying cotton candy and a Coke for a ridiculous amount of money)
(Lexi riding the carousel at the Zoo, oh and that is CJ and I in the background too)
~CJ and Lexi turned 4 years old, again more cake, food, family, and fun
(These are their cheesy smiles)
~Christmas, more food, family, and gifts
(Our Christmas spread. Carlos and his dad made that kitchen set for the kids, it is awesome!)
(CJ and Lexi wearing the aprons my mom and I made for them with my Christmas present, a new sewing machine!)
(Trying on their Christmas church outfits)
~I turned 27, more food, but NO cake! what a ripoff (Ha, no pics)
~Happy New Year's!!! (Again, you'll have to imagine this one in your mind)
~Carlos turned 28, yesterday actually, more food (I'm starting to see a pattern, hmm), cake (I learned how to make marshmallow fondant icing!), family and fun. I actually wish I had some pictures for this one because Carlos' coworkers got him pretty good yesterday. When he arrived at work, in his office there were life size Marachi posters and mariachi music playing,

the office was covered with hay

And there were two LIVE chickens running loose in his office!!

Yes, they did crap everywhere but thankfully the masterminds of this plot had put a tarp down under everything. I don't know how Carlos is going to top this when someone's birthday in the office comes up but he's got to. Anyone have any ideas?
And there you have it, you are all caught up :)
Stace the kiddos are sooooo big!!!! I miss them and you so much!!! elli is so cute oh i cant wait to be back down there to spend time with you!!!!
Also lexis hair is getting long i mean really long!!!!
They are getting big Whit! We miss you too and can't wait for you to come back down here. It won't be too long, you can make it.
Stacey? Is that you? I love it when you blog. YESSS!
Yes, Kate, it's really me! So do you like it when I blog because of my awesome writing skills or because I have incredibly good looking children?
*Points to whoever guesses which two movies I referenced just now*
Stace!!! Yipee, I'm also happy that you made a new post! Wow, I didn't know that Lexi had such curly hair!! Your kids really are adorable! I didn't know that Diego and Dora were cousins...ha ha...I guess I can't let Jeff be Diego then! It was so good to see you this week...we need to go to dinner more often and hopefully Tav will move down here soon! I love you my first roomie!! :) Keep blogging!!
Well, I am SO GLAD you updated your blog. I've been a slacker too. I have to say your kids are DARLING and I enjoyed your pictures immensely. Also, we were at the zoo in the beginning of December, but didn't go to zoo lights. Was it worth the $$? Maybe we'll do that next year. And, yes mydear we must meet up.
Oh my!! I did have a stroke! Your blog was updated! YEA!!!!
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