So, after about a minute of yelling at them to quit messing around and get off the table I hear Lexi start crying. And it is one of those ouchie cries, you know the cry that makes a mother's heart stop for a second because she knows her baby is hurt. Well, I jump up with Elli still attached to the boob (can't interrupt her when she's eating dontcha know) and Lexi is coming to me with her hands covering her mouth. So I pick her up (yes Elli is still eating - Go Me!!!) and set her on the counter by the sink and start cleaning her up. She had fallen on the coffee table and caught herself with, well, her face - ouch - and cut her lip with her tooth and cut up her gums.
Anyway, it wasn't too bad, and by that I mean she didn't need stitches, but it was still a little traumatic for all involved except for Elli of course who was still happily eating through most of it. Both Lexi and CJ freaked a little when they saw the blood and surprisingly I stayed calm even though in previous instances when blood has been involved with one of my kids getting hurt I freaked too. Maybe because Carlos wasn't home and I had to be calm, I don't know, but the point is: Listen to your mom!!!